Solving the challenges of global trade, supply chains, and logistics.
Unique analytical insights and robust risk management for global trade and international supply chains.

Since 9/11, NTELX has helped public and private sector organizations understand and manage the complex nexus of public/private trade interactions, international trade growth, and strategic risk management. Optimizing economic growth and efficiency requires a transformational approach to risk management, focused on responsiveness, agility, and informed, efficient decisions.
Our Services
Mapping Global Trade Flows
Develop wide situational awareness of the trade landscape and analyze related systemic risks by tapping our deep understanding of supply chain data and processes.
Organizational & Business Process Transformation
Connect strategy to operations and policies to execution through innovative, effective processes that are responsive to current and anticipated global scenarios.
Intelligent Risk Management
Adopt a balanced approach to trade that supports both security and economic growth through risk management that emphasizes responsiveness, not bureaucracy.
Optimizing Compliance Activity
Scale oversight and monitoring operations to meet increased demands and react quickly to changing circumstances by focusing on risk-based process improvement.